Friday, August 8, 2014

Everyone Loves Oreos

 Well, we got a dog. After several years of debating, several months of thinking, and a few evenings of searching the internet, we went into a shelter to look at a dog- which was not this one. Tristan, a little white dog had been adopted that morning and there sat this little Beagle named Oreo. She was extremely calm, not a puppy, and had just been spayed, and pretty much met everything on our list (except for being a shedder). Now we have this girl to greet us when we get home.

 She had a little separation anxiety at first but now does well in her crate. She has a couple of medical issues that she's being treated for, but she should be fine soon. Other than that, she's extremely sweet and calm. She gets very excited and loud when we get home but is mostly pretty nonchalant, especially in this noisy household. She doesn't even care about the horn playing. She's about 6 yrs. old which means she already responds to her name, tells us when she needs to go out, and has her own schedule.

 Waiting for the kids to get home.

 In the meantime, we are on a break from school and have tried to relax and organize a little. I turned a door into a makeshift bulletin board. That little tree is decorated with school supplies for August and we'll change the decorations to fit the seasons. We did this on a much larger, torn up tree before, so this is a little nicer.

 We got rid of mountains of paperwork. I thought it was organized before, but it turns out I had too many ways to organize and it grew to be a mess. That big pile in the middle is what we recycled. How I wish we could keep every single little drawing of theirs, but that pile x 15 years won't work so well.

 The kids drew pictures their new dog. They've done a terrific job taking care of her. They help take her out, clean up after her, and give her food and water.

 She also gets plenty of hugs. Chloe will sit with her and snuggle and chat with her. We heard she was left outside pretty much all day with her previous owners, and I'm guessing she did not get much play as a puppy since she has zero interest in toys or wrestling around. But she loves belly rubs and long looks in your eyes. haha  It feels like she's kind of an old soul. She'll give sideways glances when things are a little rowdy. I give her sideways glances back when the kids are being frustrating : )

 Hannah is still feeling Oreo out, but loves her expressions.

Colin is pretty happy about it all, too. Oreo is a great addition to the family. : )

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