We're back with a few little adventures besides regular life. We've been
to parties, a wedding, I had minor surgery on my face and am anxiously
awaiting the removal of stitches. The kids had their introduction to
Star Wars with a special movie night. But along the lines of school, the
kids have had some fun the past couple of weeks. The girls participated in an acting camp based on the theme of Fancy Nancy. I was super proud when Chloe came home and said she was assigned the role of Fancy Nancy herself!
Hannah got the role of a friend/schoolgirl Karen in her age group. Both were mostly excited not to have received boy roles :)
Final bows. I love her fancy getup. (2nd from the left)
Hannah did a great job as well. I was proud of both of them.
Here they are with their drama teacher.
I haven't been able to upload the video performances, so family members,
we'll be sure to watch it next time I see you.
Chloe is in a church dress every chance she gets.
Chloe made a necklace out of "found objects" for her jewelry badge.
We found a huge box full of styrofoam peanuts in the garage.
This week we studied Benjamin Franklin. Really, you could spend weeks on him, but at their age, an introduction is all we need. One book suggested imagining a dinner party where you invited a printer, publisher, inventor, scientist, philosopher, and statesman, etc. but revealing you only needed to invite one man. I chose the professions they would understand and we pretended to invite them all. They were pretty intrigued when I took away all but one plate.
Since Franklin's father was a chandler, we made beeswax candles the old fashioned way. Nana happens to own everything you can imagine, so when I mentioned this project, she offered up her crockpot already full of wax. The girls dipped their wicks in the hot wax, dipped them in ice water, then let them dry, then repeated the whole process several times to make their little homemade candles. Hannah has used hers for morning prayers.
We also created a large pasta jar candle and balanced the wick from a stick until it cooled just like we saw in one of their library books. It was a pretty fun project.
We learned Franklin was the youngest of 14 children, so we did a little basic math with that.
We had some fun with type setting and foam letters. Franklin worked for his older brother in his printing shop. I let them go ahead and stick on their letters only to realize their stamp showed their message backwards. Hannah looked at me suspiciously and said "You knew that would happen." So I helped them figure out how to set the letters in reverse to have it print correctly.
Colin made his own foam letter project.
Since Franklin secretly submitted his "Silence Dogood" letters to his brother's paper, the girls chose their own newspaper articles. First we looked at a few of our collected papers and discussed what an article and headline was. Then I set them loose on their own newspapers. I definitely had to laugh when Chloe chose to write about the Geico gecko and only cut out his little head for the photo.
Hannah wrote about her upcoming yard sale. She cut out a photo of "who was coming to her sale" and a announcement about which cereal she ate for breakfast.
We printed up many of Franklin's inventions and made a chart of what they looked like then and how we use them now.
My favorite invention was the armonica. We watched several great videos on it. I had no idea both Mozart and Beethoven wrote for this instrument.
We talked about the steps that would lead them to their own inventions, first by coming up with a problem. Hannah's first invention would be to record her voice saying, "Don't take my toys." When Colin bothers her, she plans on playing the recording over and over. He'll get so sick of it, he'll stop taking her toys. I admit this sounds like it might work.
Chloe invented Silly Cook, a robot who will make her meals.
We did come up with a real invention. We've all had trouble being consistent with their chore charts, so they decided they needed signs at the location of their chores. We took a cue from our favorite Brazilian steakhouse and used red and green sides to let someone know if a chore needs to be done.
Has it worked so far?..... not really, but we'll give it more time.
Colin is demonstrating. Uh oh! The coffee table needs clearing!
We talked very briefly about electricity and the basics of atoms, so they would understand there is in fact a source for the shocks they get touching doorknobs. : ) We of course talked about Franklin's daring kite experiment and safety precautions around lightning.
We then learned the basics of an experiment like hypothesis and conclusion. They had to decide whether they thought a balloon could lift salt and pepper once it was statically charged. They were excited when it worked so well, and Chloe was so excited to announce "I was wrong!!!!" Then they had to decide why pepper lifted so much easier. After a little prompting, they did guess on their own that perhaps it weighed less.
We tried writing with invisible ink, but I'm sorry to say it did not work so well. They got the idea, though.
We also talked about some of the other elements of Franklin, such as how he made a plan for his own work ethic and moral compass in life and how he maybe didn't follow that so much in family life ( I left out the details! ) but how he did accomplish so much. How sometimes promises from others sometimes don't work out- such as the governor's funding that never came through. And how his terrible relationship with his brother James might have been remedied with a little humility on each side. We only talked briefly about his role in the government as that's still a little hard for them to grasp.They were pleased to see him on the $100 bill since they recently visited the currency printing facility.
In other fun happenings, Colin asked me to make him a lunch with a face. I gave him this : ) I think it favors Ben Franklin a little, right?
I love when our past studies come back for us to review in a natural way. One day we caught a grasshopper and praying mantis sharing some leaf time together, so they were able to observe insects again.
I guess grasshopper was getting a little chatty so praying mantis is making her exit.
Last but not least- Kid Conversations: strange there's none from Chloe this time around.
C- What's this?
M- A mango
C- Is it a dead mango?
H- I've been alive longer than you.
C- That hurts my feelings.
M- Did you just spill milk??
C- No, just throw up. (he wasn't lying)
C- I'm sorry I was sick and messed up school.
M- Oh that wasn't your fault.
C- No. It was my body.
I was eating Muddy Buddies
H- Oh I love those with that white powder. My favorite ones have the blue powder, though.
Normal lunch conversation happening.
C- Let's settle down, okay? Settle down.
H- Mommy you have a stepmother.
M- What? Who's that?
H- Oreo (the dog). She's about your age and she's about to turn a year older.
That makes her your stepmother.
Colin punches Hannah
"That's my strong stuff."
Me on a soapbox. "Sometimes it's the hard stuff that makes us better on the inside. If life
were perfect we wouldn't grow in our minds and hearts. Sometimes life is hard.
H- Kind of like for me every day.
C- Eyes are like little aliens in your body, right mom?
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